One thing that is required is to do a band adjustment on your vehicle to make sure you do not have a broken or excessivelyworn band. Transmission repair manuals 5r55s5r55wn instructions. Drive vehicle until transmission is at operating temperature. The transmission 5r55w 5r55s 5r55n can be used for all these car model. Rebuild manual, 5r55n5r55s5r55w rebuild procedures atra. Full workshop service manual for your car pdf format.
The 5r55 is a rear wheel drive 5speed that appeared in 1999 and later vehicles the 5r55w came out in the 2002 and later ford explorer and ford ranger models the 5r55n appeared in the jaguar stype and lincoln ls and in 2002 in the ford thunderbird. Transmission repair manuals jr403e, rg4r01a re4r03a. Online library workshop manual 5r55s transmission workshop manual 5r55s transmission as recognized, adventure as capably as experience approximately lesson, amusement, as without difficulty as understanding can be gotten by just checking out a book workshop manual 5r55s transmission as a consequence it is not directly done, you could allow even more with reference to this life, on the. Pop the shifter cable off the manual arm on the transmission. Whether you need 5r55w wiring diagram information, 5r55w transmission rebuilders tips, 5r55w technical information, 5r55w diagnostics, 5r55w troubleshooting help, or just answers to your 5r55w transmission rebuilders question, the transmission rebuilders network is the place to go. The 5r55ws 5speed automatic transmission can be identified by the vehicle certification label, located on drivers door post. This is a direct replacement for mustang, ranger, mountaineer, aviator and explorer models. Atsg ford 5r55s 5r55w transmission repair manual ebay. Ford 5r55s ford 5r55w atsg automatic transmission service group. The 5r55e transmission produced by ford motor company, was introduced in the 1997 model year, and is the first 5 speed automatic found in domestic vehicles. This technical manual covers transmission assembly, disassembly, diagnosis, troubleshooting, and electronic controls and operation. Atsg is a technical support service specifically for the automatic transmission industry. Information about transmission jr403e re4r03a rg4r01a the presence of an automatic transmission allowed to provide the maximum possible smoothness of gear.
We offer a technical hotline, books, software, bulletins, wiring diagrams, seminars, and technical courses to the automatic transmission professional. Transmission 5r55w 5r55s 5r55n gttransmissionsparts. Bookmark file pdf 5r55w ford transmission service manual 5r55w ford transmission service manual if you ally dependence such a referred 5r55w ford transmission service manual books that will find the money for you worth, get the very best seller page. Jan 01, 2016 explorer 5r55w transmission slips od light flashing troubleshooting a21bravo duration. Also if you can do the adjustment and have similar adjustment left on the od as is left on the im the bands most likely are not worn badenough that they need to be replaced.
About 26% of the 5r55w s calls we get on the atra hotline are solenoid. The ford 5r55s5r55w transmission found in the 2002 and up ford explorer, mercury mountaineer or jaguar. Ford 5r55n transmission found in 2000 and up lincoln ls and jaguar stype 1999 and up. The ford 5r55s and 5r55w transmissions are both very similar in design to the ford 5r55n transmission and use electronic shift controls. With the transmission in park and the engine idling, remove oil level check plug from bottom center of transmission pan as shown in figure 1. Mar 07, 2017 the 5r55w subassembly we build the clutch packs, and get ready to assembly the transmission. The 5r55n has 85 teeth from 199901and then in 2002 and later is the same as 5r55w s models. All of the other solenoids are onoff type shift solenoids. The 5r55s is a 5speed automatic transmission developed for ford lincoln and mercury applications.
Even while working in extreme conditions the transmission as closely as possible and gently changes sections, making traveling by car comfortable and pleasant. When oil comes out level pipe, transmission it is full. About 26% of the 5r55ws calls we get on the atra hotline are solenoid. Using the construction with four gears allows significantly. The pcm uses pca and pcb to adjust mainline pressure and move or by lance wiggins members. It is the allen head plug in the center of the drain plug. Ford 5r55s 5r55w transmission service repair rebuild. The 5r55n transmission has 5 forward speeds, reverse and is fully electronic controlled. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so dont worry about it. Ford 5r55 can have an n, s, or w behind those numbers. Part 1 of this transmission repair video on a 5r55s out of a ford explorer.
This label contains the transmission letter code under space marked tr next to space marked axle. We want you to be 100% satisfied with your ford transmission rebuild manual. Atsg 5r55s5r55w automatic transmission repair manual 5r55s. The 5r55n uses 19 tooth gears until 2002 and then is the same as 5r55w s models. Explorer 5r55w transmission slips od light flashing troubleshooting a21bravo duration. The nationwide coverage offered by certified transmission at our 5 omaha shop locations is among the best in the transmission repair industry. The 5r55s transmission is now for sale at an unbelievably marked down price. Transtar industries acknowledges that many of the illustrations in this catalog were inspired by photographs originally published by slauson transmission parts. It is currently found in the 1997 aerostar v an, 19972001. Cobra transmission is designated as an essential business by florida and thus open and shipping product. The 5r55n uses 19 tooth gears until 2002 and then is the same as 5r55ws models. Apr 19, 2020 download 5r55w transmission troubleshooting pdf book pdf free download link or read online here in pdf. You can either remove them one by one, or clear all filters using the button below. Ford motor company 2002 ford explorer owners guide.
Each manual is 100% dedicated to a specific transmission model. We wish to thank ford motor company for the information and illustrations that have made this booklet possible. With a pick, pull the lock tab toward the outside to. Atsg 5r55s5r55w technical manual is necessary to diagnose, overhaul andor repair the 5r55s 5r55w transmission. One thing that is recommended is to do a band adjustment on your vehicle to make. The ford 5r55n transmission was first introduced in the 2000 model year, and is currently found in the lincoln ls and jaguar x200. The atra is a source of knowledge and symbol of trust for both transmission professionals and the public.
The ford 5r55s, 5r55n and 5r55w transmission was used in both 2 and. Read online 5r55w transmission troubleshooting pdf book pdf free download link book now. The 5r55sw are both syncrounous units, as they do not use the intermediate clutch and intermediate sprag that the 5r55n incorporates. This 5r55s 5r55w transmission repair manual contains service and identification.
Used 5r55 transmissions are no doubt an enticing option because of theyre affordability. Ford 5r55s 5r55w atsg rebuild manual transmission service overhaul book techtran. Apr 19, 2020 5r55w and 5r55s transmition fix 5r55w transmission rebuild manual ctsnet ford motor co. Ford 5r55n 5r55w 5r55s rwd 5 speed a input shaft overdrive ring gear overdrive center shaft center support intermediate band direct drum forward clutch forward planet. Atsg ford 5r55n technical manual is necessary to diagnose, overhaul andor repair the ford 5r55n transmission. P0817, transmission fluid pressure manual valve position switch reverse with. View and download ford 2002 explorer owners manual online. The ford 5r55s and 5r55w transmissions are both very similar in design to the ford 5r55n transmission and use electronic.
Ford 5r55w solenoid pack repair, your tools in within your. Home automatic transmission parts ford search by transmission model 5r55n, 5r55s technical repair manual technical repair manual. Ford automatic transmission rebuild manuals the motor bookstore. Our 5 certified transmission shops in omaha proudly stands behind the work performed by our transmission specialists with a standard 3 year100,000 mile warranty on all replacement automatic transmissions. We provide the training, resources, information and advocacy to elevate the. The ford 5r55s 5r55w transmission found in the 2002 and up ford explorer, mercury mountaineer or jaguar. Ford 5r55s ford 5r55w atsg automatic transmission service group pdf free online. Ford manufactured this transmission between the years 1996 and 2011. The 5r55 is a rear wheel drive 5speed that appeared in 1999 and later vehicles. We provide the training, resources, information and advocacy to elevate the transmission repair industry. Transmission repair manuals 5r55s5r55wn instructions for. This manual is a digital file in pdf format, not a physical item.
Full collection of automatic transmission rebuild manuals for ford built cars and trucks. The 5r55w came out in the 2002 and later ford explorer and ford ranger models. Atsg 5r55s 5r55w technical manual is necessary to diagnose, overhaul andor repair the 5r55s 5r55w transmission. The 5r55w s 5speed automatic transmission can be identified by the vehicle certification label, located on drivers door post. The 5r55n has 85 teeth from 199901and then in 2002 and later is the same as 5r55ws models. Ford automatic transmission rebuild manuals the motor.
Full workshop service manual for your car pdf format simple fair price fast delivery. The 5r55n appeared in the jaguar stype and lincoln ls and. Just as the title states, the ford 5r55 transmission has four versions. Download 5r55w transmission troubleshooting pdf book pdf free download link or read online here in pdf. The ford 5r55s and 5r55w transmissions are both very similar in design to the ford 5r55n. If not, place the shifter in the manual low position on the column. Atsg 5r55s5r55w automatic transmission repair manual. Ford 5r55s 5r55w transmission service, rebuild manual in pdf format.
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